Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Frozen Banana dates walnut shake recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Frozen Banana dates walnut shake recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Frozen Banana dates walnut shake
Frozen Banana dates walnut shake

Before you jump to Frozen Banana dates walnut shake recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Eating Doesn’t Have To Be A Chore.

The benefits of healthy eating are now being given more publicity than ever before and there are good reasons why this is so. The overall economy is affected by the number of men and women who are suffering from conditions such as high blood pressure, which is directly associated with poor eating habits. Although we’re incessantly being counseled to follow healthy eating habits, it is also easier than ever to depend on fast food and other convenience items that are not beneficial for us. People typically assume that healthy diets demand much work and will significantly alter how they live and eat. Contrary to that information, individuals can change their eating habits for the better by implementing some modest changes.

You can see results without having to remove foods from your diet or make considerable changes at once. If you would like to commit to a wholesale change, that is okay but the main thing at first is to try to make sure that you are making more healthy eating choices. In time, you will probably find that you will eat more and more healthy food as your taste buds get used to the change. As you stick to your habit of eating healthier foods, you will see that you won’t wish to eat the old diet.

Thus, it should be quite obvious that it’s not at all hard to add healthy eating to your everyday life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to frozen banana dates walnut shake recipe. To make frozen banana dates walnut shake you need 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Frozen Banana dates walnut shake:
  1. Prepare 1 glass chilled milk
  2. You need 2 ripe banana
  3. Use 1 tbsp vanilla ice cream
  4. Use 4 dates
  5. Provide Some walnut
  6. Prepare cubes Some ice
Instructions to make Frozen Banana dates walnut shake:
  1. Peel banana and put it into deep freezer for 2 hours
  2. Pour frozen banana into grinder add dates with out seeds and vanilla ice cream
  3. Mix properly now add milk and ice cubes again blend
  4. Pour it into glass jar and garnish with walnuts and enjoy chilled frozen banana and dates shake
  5. Dates is sweet in taste so no need to add extra sugar or honey

This smoothie is packed full of nutritious goodies - fibre from the banana, almonds, and dates (which also provide natural sweetness), as well as calcium and healthy fats from the milk and almonds, making it a quick, simple, filling, and nutritious breakfast on the run! Whiz it up and add the oats and nuts. Add the soya milk, skimmed milk, or apple juice and whiz again, until nice and smooth. If it's a bit too thick for you, just add a splash more milk or juice and whiz around again. Medjool dates and walnuts are a match made in smoothie heaven, with bananas for creaminess and a splash of cool almond milk to swirl the sweet and nutty flavours together.

If you find this Frozen Banana dates walnut shake recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.